
2024 Nathan Schnaper Intern Program in Translational Cancer Research (NSIP) - Copy

The NSIP is a 11-week summer internship for undergraduate students interested in cancer research. The program provides integrated research, educational and clinical experiences that emphasize the translation of laboratory discoveries into clinical applications and inspire the next generation of cancer researchers and physician-scientists.

Interns admitted to the NSIP receive a competitive support package including financial assistance for interstate travel to the University of Maryland Baltimore and a living allowance. Housing is available at Loyola University Maryland and UMB at competitive rates. The 2024 NSIP will begin on May 20, 2024 and conclude on August 2, 2024. The deadline for applications is February 15, 2024; late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Please see the links below for a full description of the NSIP and application instructions.

11/01/2024 02/01/2025
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Heather Ezelle